Kielder forest part 3!

April 28, 2011  •  Leave a Comment

The Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

After visiting the stunning wooden head could that really be the last piece of artwork on this walk….i think not!
Journeying another 2 miles along forest tracks another wooden sign pointed towards a field and the waters edge. Being honest (this may surprise some of you) i’m not the biggest fan of massive outdoor artwork as I sometimes struggle with the justification for their existence. This is a very sweeping statement and I there are a number of pieces that I’m sure people love…..but thy need to have a bit more about them for me. Having said that I really liked the wooden head as it fit in very well with the context of the surrounding woodland. Would I have said the same if it had been made of metal in contrast? I’m not so sure.
Anyways back to the next leg of the artwork jaunt. Wandering down the field I spotted two things or should that be one solid things and one swarmy type thing (ie lots of very small midgies). The swarm was the first one I had had the pleasure of meeting on this trip. Kielder has a reputation for being a hotbed of midgie action but the weather had thus far been kind and a little windy, hopefully it lasts out.
The large item at the end of the road was a very novel installation.
Viewpoint - does exactly what it says on the tin

Viewpoint is a very simple series of triangles made of concrete… but! It signifies that the location is a viewpoint and I really thought it fitted in the location perfectly. I would have stayed longer but the swarm was starting to get between my ears so the next stop was the janas chairs!

Now after 6 miles of walking my massive camera bad was starting to make my hands a bit numb so the sight of some over sized spinnable chairs was a wonderful break from the pounding of the path.

something plant like..any suggestions!

Located on the bank very close to the water. Their contemporary design was striking against the water and the wood. The original plan was to only visit the chairs but having sat down in one of them… hour soon jumped away. They were very large but surprisingly comfortable.
Janus chairs

Not surprisingly the walk back to the cabin was maybe a little less adventurous mainly due to the strain on my back and feet. The only memorable moment was walking casually along and gawping at the woods…then I was eye to eye with a deer only 10ft away, I tried to move for my camera but as you all know they are a little bit fast!

The next instalment will have some more fun with camera obscura’s and balls in trees!


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